The basic methods for dealing with drug addicts

Basically, there are two methods which family and friends can use to seek help with a alcohol or drug problem by approaching a source that is outside home. The first method is intervention while the other is non-intervention. Intervention method is one in which family and friends get together in a room and when the addict enters, they surprise him and confront him with reasons for attending an alcoholism treatment or a drug rehab center. Besides these centers, there are many social education programs for drug and alcohol addicts which can help them without having to use interventions for participation. Instead, the addict is given an opportunity to decide for himself after being given proper information and insight.

Difference in the two methods

Survey has shown that with the method of intervention, the success rate is between 5%-20% which promotes a methodology for this disease based treatment or a program of 12 steps. However, for the non-intervention method which is a program based on non treatment the success rate is higher with 30%-75% cases depending on the participation of the addict and the completion of the program. While interventions are made of a group of family members and friends confronting the addict and counseling him on the problems that they may face as well as coercing him into getting help immediately, this method requires trickery to lure the addict into the location that has been planned at a particular time.
The purpose is to scare the addict into attending an alcoholism treatment center or a drug rehab center. The non-intervention method on the other hand offers education programs where a family liaison acts as an intermediary between the addict and the treatment program. With understanding and the right approach both parties can make a good decision on how to deal with the issues that the addict is having with regard to the use of alcohol or drugs.
While the intervention method takes 1 or 2 days, beginning with the surprise meeting and ending with the addict’s compliance in attending a treatment program- which he may or may not attend ultimately, in the non-intervention method the visit is of 2 to 3 days. This method is more personalized to suit the addict and his family’s situation and the contact with both parties continues even during the program and after.

The more suitable method

Even though there is no guarantee as to which method is better and more suitable because every individual is free and has his own choice, yet the non-intervention method is more comfortable and effective. Once an addict admits that he requires help and decides to kick the habit of addiction, most of the problem is solved and if he can get the right education and enroll in the right program, falling back into dependence will not be his cup of tea.
An effort has to be made to avoid any sort of taste, scent, sound or image that will suggest addiction and attract him to it again.

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